Call Name: Jaz
Registered Name:   Barstes Falling Upside Down
Date of Birth: 02/05/2007
OFA: n/a
Pedigree: View
Jaz is owned and loved by Christopher Bozeman.


Jaz & Daddy

Jaz at 1 year old

Jaz at 1 year old

Jaz dressing for the occassion!!

Jaz's first birthday in her Princess Tierra

Jaz's birthday present

Jaz at 11 months old

Jaz's first Christmas

Jaz -- 8 months -- taking it all in!!

Jaz with her sister, Jett -- 8 months

Jaz with one of her many "favorite" toys -- 7 months

Jaz looking beautiful -- 7 months

Jaz -- 3 months old

Jaz with her best friend Destiny

Dynamite comes in small packages!!

Jaz visiting with her half brother Deuce.

Jaz at home -- 10 wks old

Jaz at home -- 10 wks. old

Jaz at home -- 10 wks old